JATC Community Health Careis featured in DN


Here you can read the full article that is out on DN.

Quality of life is more than just food and shelter

Liselotte Almén Malmqvist is an occupational therapist, founder and CEO of the private care company JATC Community Health Care for 30 years. She wants to highlight the cuts that have taken place in the LSS area in recent years. She wants to highlight the consequences that the cuts have brought.

- When municipalities reduce the support time of care recipients, they do not have the same life conditions as before. The consequences of reduced support hours are often at the expense of mental illness and increased costs for psychiatric care. Having a structured everyday life is essential for our care recipients, but it is not enough to achieve a balanced life. Health and quality of life are so much more than just food and shelter," says Liselotte Almén Malmqvist.

To break mental health problems such as isolation and negative behavioral patterns, care recipients need a safe environment where everything is connected. They also need recovery and trusting relationships over time that become important support factors in their care.

- Ensuring a holistic approach can be costly in the short term, but in the long term it creates opportunities for independence and freedom for the individual. This also reduces care costs for society as a whole," says Liselotte Almén Malmqvist.

New policies and good leaders needed

In addition to the problems mentioned above, care recipients often have financial problems that entitle them to apply for a guardian or trustee. The bureaucracy surrounding the application often takes a long time, which can create negative behavioral patterns in the individual that often relatives, the business or psychiatry have to deal with.

To achieve a balanced life situation for care recipients, Liselotte Almén Malmqvist believes that the new politicians who are now coming to power need to prioritize and review the overall everyday situation of care recipients. They need to be proactive and ensure both basic security based on the individual needs of each care recipient and sufficient finances to slightly improve everyone's quality of life. To achieve this in practice, they need a driving catalyst, a good leader for the care business:

- When it comes to leadership in the company, I would like to highlight our operations manager Anette Olsson, who has been nominated for this year's Golden Crown on the grounds that she is a committed and goal-oriented leader. We need more leaders like Anette Olsson in care activities who spread commitment, love and a desire to make a difference and create opportunities for both employees and care recipients. If our employees and participants feel good, relatives and our clients also feel good, and that is our goal," says Liselotte Almén Malmqvist.