The whole world in miniature at JATC Community Health Care


When occupational therapist Liselotte Almén Malmqvist started the foundations of her health and social care company in Södertälje in the 1990s, she realized early on that she wanted to take a holistic approach to occupational therapy. JATC Community Health Care has therefore always worked in an innovative and new way, with an open mind for sustainability and diversity.

JATC Community Health Care is aimed at people with neuropsychiatric disabilities (NPD) and psychosocial difficulties. By offering a safe holistic concept consisting of work, living and leisure, it helps to create a meaningful everyday life. Providing sustainable support structures for the best possible independent life is an integral part of this work.

The company also works to increase elements of both sustainability and diversity. This applies first and foremost to the work of the organization, but is also spread by seeking to influence other actors to think along the same lines.

According to Liselotte Almén Malmqvist, the two concepts of sustainability and diversity are also naturally linked within JATC Community Health Care.

- The organization has several goals. One is to maintain a high quality of services and combine it with sustainable financial goals. Being successful in several areas, both psycho-social and financial, secures the client's everyday life.

The company must be financially stable and sustainable over time to be able to invest in training and research-based tools that promote care for the client.

- Ensuring the purpose of the business, including through good finances, but also by investing in diversity, allows us to deliver what we say we will deliver, explains Liselotte.

Long-term family-owned care company

Entrepreneurship has always been a natural part of JATC Community Health Care's operations.

Liselotte Almén Malmqvist

- Our vision for the future is to continue to develop the content of the business into a long-term, quality and stable family-owned care company in the market. we will also increase our presence in the market, with more services and more supported housing.

much revolves around building on the fundamental idea of offering care that is holistic and comprehensive, with an occupational therapy approach, and that can change as needs change.

- The business concept is based on the very essence of our business

- that we deliver a quality holistic approach by providing work, housing and leisure. By focusing on what constitutes quality both for the customer and for society, we can contribute to increased sustainability on a larger scale," Liselotte continues.

JATC Community Health Care will continue to be a role model, a leading care company in the market and a place where people can be challenged to develop. This includes creating the conditions for meeting the customer in an innovative and creative way that enables personal growth, and where the business concept remains central and provides direction and support for continued development.

A natural part of the community

Much of the success can be attributed to JATC Community Health Care's earlier focus on being responsive, transparent and open. To be a natural part of the community. Diversity also plays an important role in this.

- JATC Community Health Care should reflect the whole of society, and this requires great diversity among our employees. This vision has led to the fact that today we have many different nationalities represented among our employees. This in itself is part of our aim to have a large knowledge bank available to our customers. You could say that we have the whole world represented here, but in miniature," Liselotte says proudly.

Diversity also means great competitiveness for JATC Community Health Care. Being a role model and setting a good example has always been important for the company's own development and for Liselotte as owner and CEO.

- In order to continue to deliver with quality and a sustainable approach, and also to be able to contribute to increased sustainability in society at large, we must focus even more on diversity. This is not only true in the health and social care sector to which we belong, it is equally important in all industries. The corporate culture should reflect the whole of society and I think we can stand for that at JATC Community Health Care," Liselotte concludes.