Vi på JATC Community Health Care kommer finnas på Sommarjobbsmässan 2025
Den 12 februari
Tid: kl.17:00-19:00
Adress: Kvarnbergagatan 12, Södertälje
”We see ourselves as enablers for young people and adults with neuropsychiatric diagnoses”
"To inspire to generate a meaningful and independent life."
"We help you find a comprehensive solution that suits you"
Customize the website to suit your needs. Click on the purple figure in the bottom left corner - there you can make settings to improve your experience on the site.
Here, natural strengths and talents become an opportunity
We offer a safe and comprehensive concept:
Own accommodation, work and an active leisure time for people with a neuropsychiatric diagnosis. Everything based on your ability and your wishes.
You will find our homes in Strängnäs, Nynäshamn, Järna and Södertälje.
We continue to expand and can therefore offer vacancies:
Group accommodation
in Nynäshamn, Strängnäs and Mölnbo.
Short-term accommodation in Strängnäs.
Service accommodation in Järna och Södertälje.
Daily activities in Nynäshamn, Strängnäs and Östertälje.
We have dog daycare in Östertälje.
Apply for a dog place at the dog daycare in Östertälje here.
We have a second-hand shop called Second hand shop Amazing in Östertälje.
There we sell clothes, children's clothes, shoes and gadgets.
You can also donate clothes and stuff.
Click on the link below to read more.

"We build for the future"
Now the fall has started with a look back at our work this spring and summer. Our work continues with a heart for Ukraine's vulnerable. At the end of the video, we sing a song created in the business.
We held our bazaar on 01.06.2022 and there we raised money for people with NPF in Ukraine.

We offer both group and service homes in a pleasant, natural environment. Here, comfort, community and security are at the center. Welcome to your new home!
Group homes | Service accommodation

Here we work with everything from computers, dog daycare, music, theater to artistic and social activities.
Together we create community!

Active and meaningful leisure timeWe offer a wide range of leisure activities.
You can be indoors or outdoors, alone or with others. Go for a walk, play games, swim, bowl or go to the movies. We organize dinners, parties, city walks and excursions, and more. You choose. Once a week, we get together and plan.

We have dog daycare in Östertälje.
We have a Instagram which is called jatchundar where you can follow our dogs at the jatc dog daycare center.
Click here to access the application form for the dog day care center.
Latest news
God Jul!
God jul önskar JATC Community Health Care! 🎄✨
Vi hoppas att ni alla får en jul fylld med glädje, värme och gemenskap. Tack för att ni är en del av vår resa – tillsammans skapar vi något fantastiskt! Ta hand om varandra och njut av den här magiska tiden.
Varma hälsningar,JATC Community ❤️
"Join us on our journey and learn about all that is happening in JATC Community Health Care"

We have gratefully received these awards and been nominated for the Golden Wreath
We are proud to be a gazelle company.
Less than 1% of limited companies meet the requirements to be called a gazelle company where JATC Community Health Care is one of them. Sweden needs good role models in health and social care. We are proud to be a role model.

- Of the year Gasell företag 2014.
- Entrepreneur Of The Year in region Stockholm 2014.
- Of the year VD 2014.
It is a pleasure and an honor to be nominated for these awards. It means that someone(s) thinks that the company delivers a particularly good concept and work during the year(s).
The company meets the criteria.
VD Liselotte Almén Malmqvist
"Quality is important to us, at all levels"